Title: CTMS Decision Maker or Champions
Company: Seascape Clinical
Location: Remote
Seascape Clinical is looking for people who have:
1. Purchased a Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS)
2. Within the past year (give or take)
3. Were the primary champion, a driver, and/or decision maker in such purchase
If this describes you, we’d love to have a confidential 30-minute chat about your experience! The feedback will be anonymously aggregated into a market research summary, and you will receive a $150.00 for your time.
Please email info@seascapeclinical.com:
1) Use the subject line "CTMS market research"
2) In the email body, include your full name, title, company name, email address, date of CTMS purchase, and a brief description of your involvement.
Thanks very much!
To apply for this position or to learn more, please click "Apply Online" below.
SOCRA Exp: 10/19/2024