Post Job Opportunities
Tap into SOCRA's vast network of Clinical Research Professionals and meet your hiring goals.
The job posting section of the SOCRA website is updated daily. Postings are added and removed on a monthly cycle. View our current list of open positions here.
SOCRA is now offering the option to add job posts across social media pages and email blasts. Reach 50,000+ clinical research professionals with the click of a button.
Please contact with any questions.
Pricing for Postings:
- The cost of a standard job posting is $125.00 for an ad of (up to) fifty words.
- Each additional word is charged at $2.00 per word.
- In the 'Job Description Text' field, hyphenated words, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses are counted as words.
- Written cancellation requests received by SOCRA prior to posting of the ad, may receive a 70% refund.
Additional Posting Options:
- Web Banner Ads - Top Bar - $250, Side Bar - $200
- Social Media Posting Post on specific platform - $500
- Social Media Post across all platforms - $1,000
- Email Blast Ad - $1,500
You may download a printable job posting insertion order form here.