Live In-Person Conferences

Clinical Research Never Stops Advancing, Neither Should You

SOCRA offers a robust portfolio of live in-person conferences, workshops, and courses to keep you at the forefront of the industry and support your continuing educational goals. See below for a full list of live programs, or visit the event calendar.

Project/Program Management

Presents project management and risk management principles, budget development / financial management and global considerations for clinical research programs.

Quality Management Conference

 This conference provides attendees with new information, tools, and real life examples to help participants navigate the components of quality management in clinical research - quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement.

FDA Regulatory Requirements, Compliance, & GCP Conference

Shares information regarding clinical research regulations and GCP guidelines and discusses methods to aid the research professional in their practice.

Clinical Research Nursing

Presents the essential functions of the clinical research nurse with consideration of the recently released ANA Scope and Standards of practice for Clinical Research Nursing.

Emergency Clinical Research Symposium

Assists Research Professionals in improving their skills and their understanding of the responsibilities of conducting clinical research in the emergency setting.

CCRP Preparation and GCP Review Course

Aids participants in preparing for the CCRP certification exam through review of FDA and ICH Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines.

Site Coordinator / Manager & GCP Workshop

This workshop, for site coordinators, research associates, and study nurses, will review the responsibilities at the clinical research site.

Quality Improvement through Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Discusses fundamental concepts and current issues in the development and implementation of an effective SOP program for clinical research.

Pediatric Clinical Trials Conference

Covers the regulatory, financial, and ethical components of conducting clinical trials in the pediatric population.

Oncology Clinical Trials Conference

Assists Research Professionals in improving their skills and their understanding of the responsibilities of conducting oncology clinical research.

Decentralized Clinical Trials

 In this workshop, you'll gain a solid understanding of the fundamental considerations for DCTs and learn practical approaches to designing, administration, and implementation.

Device Research & Regulatory Conference

Discusses current issues relating to compliance, development, and clinical investigation for Device Research.

Human Research Protections

Aids participants in understanding the legal, ethical and practical considerations related to human subjects research.

Canadian Regulatory Conference

Assists clinical research professionals in improving their skills and understanding of the responsibilities of conducting clinical research in Canada.

Monitoring & GCP Workshop

Reviews GCP and clinical research monitoring best practices for site monitors, managers or auditors, in an interactive format. 

Finance & Productivity Workshop

Assist in improving skills and understanding of the practical financial and business tasks related to clinical research.

Advanced Concepts for Clinical Investigators and Key Research Staff

Presents GCP, finance, budgeting and legal responsibilities of the clinical investigative site.

2024 Annual Conference




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8 tracks I 20+ Topic Areas I 100+ Sessions I 70+CE