For a printable PDF registration form, click here.
To Register Online, complete and submit the form below.
Non member fees include a one year membership in SOCRA.
Membership fees are processed immediately and are not refundable.
Fees are in U.S. dollars.
Written cancellation requests received by SOCRA at least 10 business days prior to start of course may receive a $465 refund ($370 refund Canadian Residents).
We regret that refunds cannot be issued for cancellations on or after 10 business days prior to start of course.
Taping (audio or video) is prohibited unless SOCRA’s written permission has been acquired.
ADA - This program is accessible to persons with disabilities. Please list any special needs in the area indicated in the registration form.
If for any reason this conference cannot be held, SOCRA is not responsible for costs incurred by attendees, such as airfares, or hotel or other reservations.
SOCRA is an educational non-profit membership organization (corporation) - Federal Tax ID #61 1208981.