Welcome to the SOCRA Alabama Chapter page. The information for the latest chapter meeting is below. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Chapter Chairperson or the SOCRA office at office@socra.org.
The SOCRA Alabama Chapter in conjunction with the Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Research Office (PRO) presents:
Date: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (CDT)
Objectives of the presentation are:
• Provide an overview of the Federal Requirements for Single IRB and an Introduction to the SMART IRB System
• Outline Select Study Team Roles and Responsibilities in Implementing Single IRB with the SMART IRB Agreement
• Review Resources Study Teams can use when applying Single IRB Agreements
Polly Goodman, CIP
Associate Director of Regulatory Affairs Operations, Smart IRB
Ada Sue Selwitz, MA
University of Kentucky Center on Clinical and Translational Sciences & Smart IRB Ambassador
CEU: One hour CEU credit is offered for this session for SOCRA members
Location: Join Zoom Meeting: https://uab.zoom.us/j/2059342424?pwd=WHJzR0x2REZGQU42TVZsejkyNEJiUT09
Meeting ID: 205 934 2424
Passcode: SOCRA
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,2059342424# US (Chicago)
+16468769923,,2059342424# US (New York)
Find your local number: https://uab.zoom.us/u/kmIX7rhGS
Cost: Free admission. All members and non-members welcome.
RSVP: Susan Branscum, CCRP at sbranscum@peds.uab.edu / 205-638-2534 - OR-
Juliette Southworth, CCRP – jsouthworth@uab.edu / 205-975-4075
SOCRA members and non-members welcome! Please share this announcement with your colleagues.