Hamilton Area

Welcome to the SOCRA Greater Hamilton Area Chapter page. The information for the latest chapter meeting is below. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Chapter Chairperson or the SOCRA office at office@socra.org.

SOCRA Greater Hamilton Chapter Meeting Announcement 

The Hamilton Chapter of SOCRA presents:

The Challenges of the QI/Sponsor in Conducting Institution-sponsored Clinical Trials”

Date: January 30, 2025

Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST

Location: Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 958 2717 9309

Passcode: 486307

Presenter: Ms. Velma Marzinotto

Velma Marzinotto is an independent clinical research consultant. She has over 20 years of experience as a GCP auditor. She is currently working as a Senior Consultant with BioAcuity Consulting Inc.  Velma has been a Certified Clinical Research Professional, a founding member of CTO’s Research Ready Advisory Group, a Co-Chair of N2’s Quality Committee, and a member of N2 - CAREB’s REB SOP Subcommittee, as well as a long-time member of SOCRA and frequent presenter. Velma developed the internal research quality assurance program at Unity Health Toronto – St. Michael’s Hospital and The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). In addition, she also facilitated all aspects of clinical research by providing education and support to all researchers, both internally and externally via webinars. Previously, Velma worked as a clinical research nurse coordinator managing clinical trials in the use of anticoagulants in children, a hematology/oncology nurse educator and a hematology/oncology staff nurse at SickKids and a general duty RN in pediatrics at McMaster University Medical Centre. Velma obtained her BScN from McMaster University, Hamilton.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn about inspectional resources from FDA to help prepare for a regulatory inspection.
  • Learn about what to do before, during, and after an FDA inspection.
  • Hear and understand FDA BIMO Metrics and warning letters and learn how they can be used to improve your programs.

CE: 1 Hour for SOCRA members


Questions: Please contact Jane De Jesus at dejesuj@mcmaster.ca Dept of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University


RSVP for SOCRA CE certificate to Jane De Jesus: jane.dejesus5@gmail.com

SOCRA members and non-members welcome! Please share this announcement with your colleagues.


Chapter Chairpersons:

Jane De Jesus, CCRP




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