Hamilton Area

Welcome to the SOCRA Greater Hamilton Area Chapter page. The information for the latest chapter meeting is below. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Chapter Chairperson or the SOCRA office at office@socra.org.

SOCRA Greater Hamilton Chapter Meeting Announcement 

A Continuing Evolution of Ethical Considerations in Clinical Research

Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 12noon EST
Location: Zoom Meeting https://mcmaster.zoom.us/j/97759338573
Meeting ID: 977 5933 8573
Passcode: 274548

Presenter: Alyssa K Gateman, MPH CCRP
Executive Director, Yale Cancer Center Clinical Trials Office

Alyssa Gateman is currently the Yale Cancer Center Clinical Trials Office’s Executive Director. During her tenure at Yale, she also served as the Senior Associate Director of Quality Assurance and Research Regulatory Initiatives at the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation. She joined Yale in July 2014 from Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, where she served as Director of the Quality Assurance Office for Clinical Trials. Ms. Gateman was a prior Board member for SOCRA and currently serves as the President of the Connecticut SOCRA Chapter.

Learning objectives:
• Review a brief history of clinical research ethics, regulations, and guidance.
• Identify the main ethical principles that guide clinical research.
• Examine diversity and strategies for improving diversity.

CE: 1 Hour for SOCRA members

Questions: Please contact Jane De Jesus at dejesuj@mcmaster.ca Dept of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

RSVP for SOCRA CE certificate to Jane De Jesus: jane.dejesus5@gmail.com

SOCRA members and non-members welcome! Please share this announcement with your colleagues.


Chapter Chairpersons:

Jane De Jesus, CCRP

