All appeals must be sent in writing to SOCRA Re: Certification Appeal by e-mail to, mailed to 530 West Butler Avenue, Suite 109 Chalfont, PA 18914 USA, or faxed to: (215) 822-8633.
Falsification or misrepresentation of application information will invalidate the applicant's certification status. This would include disapproval of the application or revoking of certification.
The SOCRA Certification Committee (the “Committee”) will take all reasonable measures to ensure that any material, reports, proceedings, and/or hearings related to the certification process shall remain confidential between the Committee and the candidate except as required by law, authorized in writing by the candidate, or as otherwise provided in the Committee’s Policies and Procedures.
SOCRA does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, age, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, or disability.
SOCRA – Society of Clinical Research Associates supports the intent of, and complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). The Society of Clinical Research Associates will take steps reasonably necessary to make its assessment programs accessible to persons with disabilities covered by the ADA. An applicant may request a change in certification procedures or process due to a disability, handicap, or other reason. Appropriate and effective modifications and/or auxiliary aides will be provided to persons with such disability, handicap, or other reason unless doing so would impose an undue burden on the Society of Clinical Research Associates’ programs or fundamentally alter the measurement of skills or knowledge that the programs are intended to test. The Society of Clinical Research Associates certification examination does not discriminate against any candidate based on age, sex ethnic origin, religion, race, disability or marital status.
SOCRA will make every effort to accommodate applicants with special needs. If the applicant has special physical or testing needs due to a disability, handicap, or other reason, the applicant should attach a written request for accommodation with the certification application and at least six weeks in advance of the examination date. The written documentation should include a diagnosis or description of the disability or special need, the current level of functioning, and the requested accommodation. This statement must be written by a qualified medical professional (preferably a physician) and should be submitted on the letterhead of the medical professional or their institution or organization.
All special arrangements must be made and agreed upon in advance; such arrangements cannot be made at the time an examination is given. The Society of Clinical Research Associates will make the final determination as to the necessary accommodations for an individual with a verified disability.
For individuals with physical, visual or learning disabilities requiring an extended test time, there is no accommodation for untimed testing. Time and a half (6 hours) is appropriate accommodation for most disabilities. Double time (8 hours) may only be granted in special circumstances with the recommendation of qualified professionals.
At this time, SOCRA does not have an auditory examination for the visually impaired.
Test Center Policies and Procedures may be found here.
8 tracks I 20+ Topic Areas I 100+ Sessions I 70+CE