Requirements for Maintaining Certification

It is the responsibility of the certificant to assure that their certification is current and in good standing. The certification period is three years, beginning on the date of most recent certification and ending on the certification expiration date.

Accruing Continuing Education (CE): All CE must be accrued during your certification period. We suggest that you keep an ongoing log of accrued CE to assure that you are keeping up to date on the requirements for maintenance of CE. Certificants must have completed 45 hours (45 credits) of CE during their certification period. A minimum of 22 CE must be related to Clinical Research regulations, policy, etc. The remaining CE may relate to your Therapeutic or Professional Area. 1 CE will be awarded for the successful completion of the recertification continuing competence learning module. Only educational hours may be claimed for CE; you may not claim CE credit for your work hours.

CE Record keeping: Please use the CE Credit Tracking Log to complete information for each continuing education program to be applied to your recertification. You may download the CE Tracking Log here.

Certification Fees: Installment Certification fees, if selected, must be paid in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of the certificant to submit payments.  SOCRA, as a courtesy, sends certification installment payment notice by email two months prior to the due date. Nonpayment of installment fees will automatically terminate CCRP designation.

CE Documentation Retention: Please retain all original certificates of attendance and documentation for two years after your certification period ends. This documentation will not be submitted with your recertification application; however, if selected for recertification audit, your recertification application, CE tracking log, and supporting documentation (including certificates of attendance and other documentation) will need to be submitted. If you are unable to produce this supporting documentation at that time, your certification will be revoked. A recertification audit is performed in the spring of each year, selecting up to 10% of the previous year’s recertification applications. For example, if you recertify in February 2019, you may be selected for audit in the spring of 2020.

Recertification / Certification Renewal: In order to maintain active certification status, the CCRP® must apply for renewal of certification to the Certification Committee every three years. 

2024 Annual Conference




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