Closing Plenary

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2024 Agenda

Sun., Sept 29 8:40 to 9:25                                    Track: Closing Plenary
Building Successful Relationships with Sites: Experiences from Around the World

Ms. Cabrita will explore the importance of building successful relationships with sites and how these dynamics and interactions change in different parts of the world. Real-life experiences from CRAs based in different countries will be shared by highlighting the main challenges, unique monitoring traits and what works best when trying to build effective relationships with sites in their countries. 901

Presenter: Ines Cabrita, MSc, Clinical Research Associate

Sun., Sept 29 9:25 to 10:10                                  Track: Closing Plenary
Artificial Intelligence in Research

How AI is influencing research and medicine. What will be the future effects and how will we have to deal with it to increase productivity with quality. 903

Presenter: Shaheen Khani, MD, MBA, MHA, CCRP, MedCare Pharma LLC

Sun., Sept 29 10:30 to 11:30                                                Track: Closing Plenary
IRB Chair Challenges for Conducting and Promoting Military Medical Research Readiness in the U.S. Department of Defense, National Capital Region

Dr. Lacorte will provide attendees an IRB chair's perspective of unique challenges in the conduct and promotion of human subject research in a military treatment facility (MTF). With insight from IRB review and anecdotes, lessons learned include unique regulatory experiences working in a military environment and promoting research readiness while balancing risk with soldiers as study subjects. 904

Presenter: Lester Lacorte, MD, CTPS, CCRP, IRB Chair, WRNMMC - Department of Defense

Sun., Sept 29 11:30 to 12:00                                                Track: Closing Plenary
Patient-Centered Research: Case Study and Practical Applications

Patient centered outcomes, participant centered research, and pragmatic research are on the rise. Using real-world case studies and discussion, this talk will address these initiatives that promote equity in clinical research. 906

Presenter: Michelle Medeiros, MS, MA, CCRP, Director of Research, PATIENTS Program, University of Maryland, Baltimore

2024 Annual Conference




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