Poster Program

SOCRA’s Annual Conference Poster Program is an opportunity for individuals to share their research, findings and achievements with their colleagues. SOCRA offers dedicated times for poster presenters to present and discuss their posters with the diverse group of attendees. Presenting a poster at SOCRA’s Annual Conference is a noteworthy way to share expertise or accomplishment in a specific area while contributing to clinical research. Please consider participating in this great event and becoming an integral part of SOCRA’s Annual Conference.

Poster Program Guidelines 

Poster boards are 4' x 8' and posters should fit within these dimensions. Poster boards will be freestanding, with a surface that will allow push pins to secure the display. Because posters are evaluated partially on their layout, SOCRA does not suggest a particular format or layout to the poster information. 


Guidelines for Submitting Poster Abstracts

 Special Recognition Award Competition

Attendees interested in participating in the Poster Special Recognition Award Competition have an opportunity to compete for a $500 award and a fee waived registration to the 2026 SOCRA Annual Conference in Denver, CO.  Review the Explanation of Special Recognition Award Review and Evaluation Process.

Posters may be entered in one of two categories:

  • Clinical Trials: Scientific papers reporting on findings of treatment, intervention, or survey studies.
  • Clinical Research Management: Critical reviews, position papers, or descriptive case reports dealing with issues associated with implementation, coordination, or management of clinical research programs.

The deadline for the 2025 Special Recognition Award competition is July 21, 2025. To be eligible for the competition, abstracts must be received by July 21st. After that date, abstracts may be submitted but will not be eligible for the Special Recognition Award. The deadline to submit abstracts for the Poster Program and not be considered for the Special Recognition Award competition is August 18th.  

Please review the Abstract Submission Guidelines for complete instructions. To submit your abstract, click here.

Submissions will be subject to blinded review by a panel of experts in clinical research. Please ensure you are familiar with the competition review and evaluation guidelines.

You may submit your abstract for acceptance before you register for the conference, but must register after acceptance. At least one of the poster's authors must be a registered conference attendee.

2024 Annual Conference




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