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Dr. Gorkun will share our techniques and approaches, supported by real life examples, demonstrating how much managers can achieve, indispensably contributing to the success of the organization, making their employees and themselves shine! 817
Fiona Kearney, MSc, Consultant contributed to the development of the presentation
Presenter: Anatoly Gorkun, MD, PhD, Chartered MCIPD, Associate Director Global Project Management, PPD, part of ThermoFisher Scientific
Setting up a departmental orientation for our new hires gave us a wonderful addition to our Cancer Center program. Ms. Croghan will go through how to put together an orientation agenda, obtain feedback, create a comprehensive check-in at various time points, and emphasize lessons learned. 819
Presenter: Katrina Croghan, MS, CCRP, Quality Management Coordinator, Mayo Clinic
Ms. Holladay will explore evaluating existing training processes, identifying opportunities for improvement in the overall study training framework, and demonstrating innovative uses of the REDCap technology for training purposes. 821
Presenter: Cynthia Holladay, MPA, CCRP, Clinical Research Coordinator, Department of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine
Describe why soft skills must be a consideration for workforce development, for overcoming barriers to accessing entry-level clinical research positions, and for building a pipeline of skilled research professionals. 823
Presenter: Kathleen O'Malley, BSN, RN, CCRP, Director, Education and Training, Jefferson Clinical Research Institute, Thomas Jefferson University
The intent of this session is to help organizations, and those working within them, understand their current strategy, develop a strong strategy for the future and lead their organization or business unit through the strategic change. Attendees in this session will learn to assess their organization’s current strategy, develop a value proposition and competitive advantage, and learn a structured method to develop a new organizational strategy that is best suited to your clinical research organization. Attendees will take away tools and insights to lead their research site, CRO or clinical research business to long term success in an ever changing environment. This session will involve two small case studies on a CRO and a research site where we evaluate their current and future states and what would be the most appropriate forward looking strategy for each. 825
Presenter: Fraser D. Gibson, HBSc, MBA, Founder/President, Advantage Clinical
Ms. Rowe will present strategies and techniques for overcoming communication barriers between study teams and HRPPs/IRBs. 827
Presenter: Jessica Rowe, MA, MS, CIP, CCRP, Director, Quality and Education, Yale Cancer Center, Clinical Trials Office
Julie T Haltiwanger, BS, Assistant Director, Florida State University, Office of Human Subjects Protection
Many clinical research professionals pursue that career by chance rather than design and often experience many challenges in establishing their role. Discussing those challenges, and potential methods to address them, can provide guidance on establishing clinical research as a field of study for early career professionals, potentially increasing engagement and diversity in the clinical research workforce. 829
Presenter: Bashar Shihabuddin, MD, MS, Assistant Professor, Nationwide Children's Hospital
The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to impact the clinical research workforce as the “Great Resignation of 2021” is now followed by a new workplace phenomenon called “Quiet Quitting.” Ms. van der Schalie will discuss the phenomenon of quiet quitting, as well as its potential impact on the clinical research workplace. 831
Presenter: Barbara van der Schalie, MS, Senior Clinical Training Manager, Leidos Biomedical Research Inc.
8 tracks I 20+ Topic Areas I 100+ Sessions I 70+CE