The Crucial Skills That All CRAs (Monitors) Need

Picture of AGA Finlayson, MA, MSc, Founder and Director of the White Wisteria Academy.

AGA Finlayson, MA, MSc

Found and Director

White Wisteria Academy

Abstract: In the heavily regulated world of clinical research, clinical research associates (CRAs) are generally receiving all of the training in hard skills that they need to understand their role. What is often missing is training in the soft skills that will help them deal with the demands of the job, increase each CRA’s job satisfaction, and reduce churn (staff turnover), while allowing CRAs to have a healthy work-life balance. Examples of crucial soft skills include assertiveness, listening, and task efficiency. This article describes two pictures of a CRA’s life: one without these soft skills and one with soft skills training. This will illustrate the importance of paying attention to soft skills and offering CRAs appropriate training in soft skills along with training in hard skills.

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Career Progression in Clinical Research: Transitioning from a Clinical Research Coordinator to a Monitoring Clinical Research Associate (CRA)

Thomas Boothby, MS, CCRP CRA II, Boston Scientific

Abstract: Research coordinators may transition to clinical research associates/monitors during their careers. This article provides an overview of how to determine whether it is the right time to make this transition, how to evaluate current competencies and gaps that must be filled in order to make this transition, and how to address needs during the on-boarding process. A roadmap in the form of a checklist is provided to help make the transition from research coordinator to clinical research associate (CRA) a smooth one.

Disclosure: The author has a relevant financial relationship with respect to this article with Boston Scientific, where he is employed as a monitoring CRA.

Continue reading Career Progression in Clinical Research: Transitioning from a Clinical Research Coordinator to a Monitoring Clinical Research Associate (CRA)